📸 Picture Perfect
I’ve been needing to post for awhile. I’ve been wanting to post for awhile. I let someone get to me. Ironically, I wrote out how I wasn’t going to let it get to me. But I haven’t posted- so clearly it got to me. This unlearning thing is HARD.
Is there something that you’ve had to unlearn?
I’ve been working on unlearning my image of myself: my mind, my body, my thoughts, actions, everything. I felt like I was living my life as my own publicist- always presenting the picture perfect Lexi to the world.
It took awhile for me to realize that I didn’t need to present the picture perfect Lexi. I AM the perfect Lexi when I am true to who I am. People can like me or not. The people that don’t like me when I’m being my real self are not the people who need to be in my life. (And the same thing can be said about thoughts! Don’t feed into any disempowering thoughts you have- they don’t need to be in your life!)
I am struggling with my self image. I’m at my biggest weight and size I have ever been. The only times I have been able to lose weight in the past is when I had a terrible relationship with my body. I was motivated to work out so I would lose weight which would lead to me looking better which I hoped would lead to me feeling better.
I listen to a lot of self-help books and positive mindset podcasts. Shocking- I know. 😂 One of my new favorites is the Good Body Podcast with Michelle Newman. In her podcast, she talks about body image, weight loss and mental health:
“If pursuing intentional weight loss is damaging your sense of self worth and acceptance, it is the wrong time for you to be trying to lose weight because it won’t be sustainable”
Poor relationships with your body and with food makes the wrong time to lose weight. Build a strong foundation first. It has taken over a year to work on letting go of the picture perfect Lexi. Working on my foundation now. Setting up routines, trying to love and appreciate my body for all that it does. 🤞 That all of this hard work continues to pay off (and that I get back to posting more regularly!!)