Barefoot and Burntout: Teacher, Tutor, Stepmom, Writer

Hi! My name is Lexi and I started Barefoot and Burntout as a way of processing my own shit. I hope that through sharing my journey of self care, blending families, and preventing burnout, I can help at least one person’s mental health and well being.


As soon as I could answer the question: What do you want to be when you grow up?, the answer was always teacher. I followed all the steps I was told that would get me where I was supposed to go. I worked hard, went to THE Ohio State University for college- twice. I got my Master’s of Science in Education in a year. I got a teaching job right out of college and it felt like I was living my dream come true. I married my high school sweetheart, we bought a house and I was supposed to be happy. But I wasn’t. When we tried to get pregnant unsuccessfully, I began to wake up. I quit my teaching job, thinking that stress was the reason I couldn’t make a baby. I started my own tutoring business and was so much happier! I couldn’t figure out why I still felt so drained and depressed. Turns out, living the life that you think others want you to live is exhausting.


In 2021, Mrs. Lexi Kelley Tutoring LLC was created! I tutor virtually, in person, at the library, and even in the tutor room I have set up at home. I am in the central Ohio area and would love to connect with you if you have any interest in tutoring. I also offer portfolio assessments for homeschool families narrative requirement, academic coaching for kids and adults, and can even assess your child’s reading level and provide advice! Fill out this form and I will get in touch with you!


In 2022, I became a stepmom! I did as much research as I could before the girls moved in, and I continue to learn every day how to be a better partner, a better stepmom, and an overall better person. 2023 is bringing about more change as one of our girls begins homeschooling. 🤞 Fingers crossed that everything goes well and I can share tips and strategies. You know I’ll also share what fails miserably because laughter is the best medicine.


As long as I have wanted to be a teacher, I have yearned to be an author as well. I am FINALLY leaning into that side of who I am. Check out my work on my Etsy site or Mercari. If you could leave a review, I will forever be grateful!