Maybe It Happened Because It Needed to Happen

“JUST TURN YOUR 🤬🤬🤬 OFF” screamed the wicked stepmother as she stormed up the stairs crying. When it rains, it pours. And it’s been s t o r m i n g. Did the wicked stepmother start with horns and swear words? No. Then how did we get here? Maybe it happened because it needed to happen.

Actual picture of me caught in a storm in Charleston. Target was out of umbrellas, so I improvised with trash bags. Maybe it happened to teach me a lesson in flexibility?

Considering it’s been two weeks since she slept in her own bed and has been barely holding it together, it was bound to happen.

So when did the unraveling begin? Did it start in the car? In the house? In the hospital? Not sure when it began but it needs to pause. There’s not time to fall apart. We’re not out of the woods yet, we’re still in the storm.

Maybe it happened because it’s been two weeks since she’s been able to work.

Maybe it happened because she was supposed to be home, but she’s busy being support for her loved ones.

Maybe it happened because she’s still processing her most recent doctor appointment, diagnosis, and medication change.

Maybe it happened because the medication change and the diagnosis are constantly fluctuating her hormones and emotions.

Maybe it happened because she doesn’t feel supported from some of those who she thought were there for her.

Maybe it happened because…

Maybe it doesn’t matter why it happened.

Maybe it happened because it needed to happen. Take a break, take a breath, then resume when ready.

Maybe even splash in some puddles while you’re waiting for the storm to pass.