Avoiding the Answer is Answer Enough
Have you ever agonized over an email? Regretted a written text response? Avoided answering altogether? I feel you. Here’s the exciting thing though: you DON’T actually have to answer. No matter how much you want to be *polite*. Let me say it even louder. YOU DO NOT OWE ANYONE AN ANSWER. Simply choosing to avoid the answer is answer enough.

I received two different texts this week that made me want to throw my phone through a wall. Old Lexi would have cried and cried for days about what each text meant and over analyzed the shiiiit out of each and every response. Now? I know that I choose who gets to affect my energy each and every day. I no longer let one person take up too much space in my mind. Choose to let it go and simply not answer. It frees up my brain for way more important things- like deciding what to eat for dinner or which Starbucks drink I want today.

I was listening to Glennon Doyle’s podcast, We Can Do Hard Things today and they talked about New Year’s Resolutions in a different way. The word resolution sounded too intense so they framed it as “what are you letting go of in 2023 and what are you choosing to lean into more?” My answer? I am choosing to let go of the need to get the last word. I am leaving the dreaded never ending arguments in 2022. As I move into 2023, I am clearing up that space in my mind and in my energy to lean into my creativity.
I have spent time on myself as I have explored my creative side which has unlocked so many fun ideas. I have to write them all down to stop my mind from spiraling. As of right now, I have an Etsy store, and a Mercari too! I don’t know much about them yet but I’m learning. That is what I am choosing to spend my excess energy on in 2023. No more agonizing over answers. What are you letting go of? What are you looking forward to in 2023?