New Years Resolutions and Intentions
Happy New Year! 🥳 Do you set new years resolutions for yourself? I used to. I try now to frame it more as setting new years intentions. The last few years, I have learned a lot about mindset and reframing your mind, retraining your brain. So instead of resolutions, I am setting all positive intentions for 2024: health intentions, self intentions, finance intentions; and finally, family and friends intentions. I would LOVE for this to turn up on my timehop year after year (I currently have a 2,482 day streak on the Timehop app 😂) and be able to reflect upon it and adjust my intentions each year. Stating these intentions on here not only gives me the opportunity to reflect year after year, but it also gives me some accountability. Let’s put all of our positive intentions out there and work towards the best version of ourselves always. ❤️
2024 Health New Years Resolutions and Intentions
My 2024 health new years intentions include to figure out my fertility. 2023 ended with a hospital visit in November that had my worries SPIRALING. Followed up with my OBGYN in December about PCOS, fertility, uterine fibroids, blood clots, and miscarriages. I have such anxiety and crippling CPTSD around all of these topics that they are SO incredibly difficult for me to talk about.
- My action steps towards my intention of figuring out my fertility include:
- charting my ovulation
- consistent tracking on apps
- make and attend Dr. appointments
- make time each day to fill out apps
2024 Self New Years Resolutions and Intentions
My 2024 self new years intentions include finishing my book. I began a book in 2021 when my life was shifting a million miles per hour. Writing has always helped me reflect and process. Reading all of these books helps me feel like I’m not alone. I LOVE relating to a character in a story, a lyric in a song, or an author explaining their autobiography. I’ve always wanted to be an author. I am going to put my book out there in hopes of helping one person beat their burnout before it starts.
- My action steps towards my self intention of finishing my book include:
- block out time in my schedule to write
- ACTUALLY WRITE (sometimes the simplest task is the most strenuous to complete)
2024 Finance New Years Resolutions and Intentions
My 2024 finance new years intentions include building my savings, eliminating my debt, and increasing my credit score. 2023 began with some credit fraud f*ckery for me. My 806 credit score dropped to 595 practically overnight. 🙃 When Huntington saw that drastic drop, they changed my credit limit from $17,000 to $150 “due to fraudulent activity”. My emergency Credit Card that had a limit of 17,000 and really cushioned that debt to available credit ratio, decreasing my ratio by over 100%. Since my score dropped so drastically, it only continued to hurt my credit score. I have some huge goals, but I know that I can achieve them. I will make these intentions happen. Failure is not an option.
- My action steps towards my finance intention of building my savings, eliminating my debt, and increasing my credit score include:
- increasing leads which increases Transformation Talks
- keep total credit usage below 50% for all Credit Cards
2024 Family and Friends New Years Resolutions and Intentions
My 2024 family and friends new years intentions include to refocus my energy and time on those who do the same for me. In order to lessen the amount of time I spend stressing about others I will purposely focus in on the highlights and positives. Another action step for my family and friends new years intentions is to nurture those good relationships. 2023 was a wild ride. The first week of March, 2023 had already felt like it lasted 6 years. 2023 was filled with so many stressful moments but also so many wonderful, phenomenal things happened In 2023.
Here are some of my highlights from 2023: went on my first cruise, got engaged for the second time, spent the summer revamping my online business, married the love of my life two weeks before turning 30, gained the best humans EVER as stepdaughters, attended my first Bar Mitzvah, launched an online course and coaching business. While 2023 was a lot, it brought so much joy- more than I knew I could feel.
I have some really intense anxiety and depression. I rate my anxiety regularly out of 21. For YEARS my anxiety score consistently bounced between 19 and 20. For years, an 18 was considered an awesome score worthy of digging deeper. In 2023, I scored a FOUR. A freaking 4. After years of being convinced something was incredibly wrong with me, I felt relief. I’m crying as I type this but I can’t possibly convey the feelings in words. I tried below:
2023, the way it’s meant to be.
2023 brought so much joy to my life.
2023 transformed my life in so many incredible ways.

2023 was filled with love for friends and family, old and new.
I can’t wait to see what is in store for 2024.

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